If you’ve been diagnosed with a yeast infection, your healthcare provider may suggest you use boric acid for treatment. boric acid for is an effective antifungal that may prevent Candida fungi from becoming infectious. It also helps maintain the pH balance in the vagina.
When you’re experiencing a yeast infection, your body’s immune system can become compromised. This is a risk if you’re pregnant, have a weak immune system, or are using a medication that has a high risk of interacting with boric acid.
For most people, boric acid is an effective and inexpensive treatment for a vaginal yeast infection. In some cases, however, it can make the infection worse. As a result, it’s recommended you use it only if other treatment methods have failed.
There are several over-the-counter (OTC) remedies for treating a yeast infection. One option that’s popular is a product that contains a combination of powder and liquid. These products are easy to apply and work well in a variety of application techniques. However, it’s important to note that many of them are not repellent.
Boric Acid Suppositories: An Alternative to Hormonal Birth Control
There are also suppositories that contain boric acid. These suppositories are inserted into the vagina and they dissolve within minutes. They are typically available over the counter and are very affordable. The suppositories are used for varying lengths of time.
Because of the risks associated with using a boric acid suppository, it’s a good idea to seek advice from your physician. You should also avoid using the product while you’re pregnant.