Gain Gels Syndicate Blog How to Insert Vaginal Supppository

How to Insert Vaginal Supppository

How to insert vaginal suppository? There’s a whole new world of products devoted to care for the vaginal area. They come in all shapes and sizes, including white or black pills, ointments, suppositories and gels.

In addition to being convenient, suppositories may also be more effective than other delivery methods. The body absorbs medication faster when it’s inserted into the vagina than when it’s taken orally.

When a woman has a yeast infection, her doctor might prescribe a suppository. They can also be used to treat bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis and other conditions.

How to use a vaginal suppository

The first step is to wash your hands with soap and warm water. Remove any wrapping and wipe your hands dry with a towel.

Next, insert the applicator and press down until you see the plunger. Gently put the suppository into your vagina, where it will not feel uncomfortable.

You should be able to push the suppository in and out repeatedly until it’s fully inserted. This process can take a few tries.

Once you’ve inserted the suppository, sit or lie still for about 15 minutes to allow the medicine to dissolve. Then, wash your hands again and rinse the applicator as directed by your package instructions.

How to use a boric acid suppository

Boric acid is the natural compound found in seawater that can help fight odor and balance your vaginal pH. It’s available as a suppository or in a tablet that you swallow.

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